Ten Toes, One Dream

I hated her,

Needed her

Craved her

Despised her

Felt ostracized, misunderstood, neglected, teased, mocked, dangled and baited

By the cobble stones and glass skies

I wish to sweeten my bitterness

My how society has caked the simple mask we used to wear

I find companionship with the squirrel hopping from branch to branch

I find resentment amongst the actors of society

How often must we postulate and preform?

My toes in many bodies of water; lakes, oceans, rivers, ponds and puddles.

Where must I dive into?

I wish only to swim in the pool of my dreams

I must leap and dive in

Give up everything to have everything

Of what esteem do I give my brothers and sisters?

What satisfaction or validation?

Walking around holding my head

Deep in dark waters, how I sink into you

Society at large

Randevouz with a sour tune

Must we all dance?

Yes we must.

How much of existence is a repercussion from action, inaction?

From a fear of judgment-

Perhaps this is why we must live fiercely in love.

Cruel to be the one who judges, cruel to be the one who participates.

Plagued is a tirent


The Duck and Ivy


As She Did Before