Serpent Minds

I am more than enough

I am Goddess and God

Yet you remain ambivalent

Lost in a fog

With me there is no wrong, for I exist only in love for you

Is that not what you seek?

Am I not what all men and woman seek for?

Here I have fallen at your feet digging in the dirt

Burying what I have to offer you

For you claim your hands are full

They are not full but covering your eyes and clenching your heart

Your mind acts as a serpent

For every step you take I shall dig deeper and deeper

In hopes that our love will give birth and renaissance to life

That we may live in the love we have prayed for

How can I enjoy the love we have when I am hundreds of feet under and you are hundreds of yards over

My arms ache from digging and your arms from covering

Dear Heavens,

What will it take for me to climb back up and for him to turn around and uncover his eyes and heart?


Needy on Knees


Sober Curious