My -2 Cents

You’ve peaked my interest

Now I’m in debt to you

What love story is tax free

Back to counting every penny

Must I run from the hills?

To live a life free from being a slave to bills

How can I build when the machine takes all that I’ve got?

Think it easier to give up and rot

Like the strings of the guitar

Tendons of the heart drum in synchronous

Bums and Dums

Each time a chord is plucked a familiar melody flurries to say

“Hello remember me?”

What can I ever truly forget

When my futures built upon regret

Karma as my trusted housekeeper

May I be met by the grim reaper

Slain away

What to do with what I have

I sit to long, grow mad and mad

Abandoned from where my knees have brought me

Fertile soil nurtured from my tears

I ooze when sad

Seep, simmer

Holding pressure

Loosing control

As I float into my illusion of what is to be

A fantasy so sweet I can hardly stomach reality


Repetition of Silence


“A Fling like Cancer”