Graveyard of Friendship Lost
Aye, I must lay these fallen soldiers to rest
After a failed seize in the graveyard of friendship lost
Forgiveness a choice unchosen by most
Relenting yesterdays woes unto the morrow
Condemning our now former unity
Banishing me back to the outskirts
Maybe we won’t watch the sunrise or set with another again
At least my eyes have each other to see
Dreams of ghosts gathered in my childhood friends bedroom
Her being one of them
My middle finger doing all the talking
Pained by the choice of abandonment rather than commitment to remedy and salvage
the wounds of offense which I did not intend to scratch
Luckily with all my time on the outskirts I’ve built myself a kingdom
I roamed the valleys, swam the seas
Painted clouds and trees
Returned to the earth and found a comfort beyond any companionship
Most of which lay in the graveyard of friendship lost