March 2nd is my half Birthday

Happy 22 1/2 birthday to me

The commerodery of my peers will sledom keep me sincere

For I know that often when I say “hi” it’s masked behind their lies

Deceits, and decisions

Held beyond convenience, held beyond inner silence

Is that what I’ve come to know?

When my eyes convict you of your soul

Vacuum you from where you came

Seldom cries, seldom rage

My, my tears have made me brave

A lioness let out of her cage

You want to pet me yet you want to see me roar

Is this what Dylan felt when he was knocking on Heavens door?

What have you to hold

What have you to know

Going beyond the grove, mountain and stone

I am, I am

Hand in hand

Praying unto what you hope to be seldom and shared

Dancing to the fire, a love archaic

What is more tangible- a beam of light that looks like a thread or a spider web


Perverted Senses


Seas and Peaks