I, the Ocean
If only you would let me love you.
Let the petals of love bloom, die, and be reborn, for this garden is eternal.
Let us take turns being the Moon and the Ocean.
Why can’t you see that it’s what you and I are?
We give ourselves to each other and forget who is leading the dance.
Must I be locked up in my tower with the key under my bed?
Knowing I can come down, hoping you’ll try your hardest and climb up the stones.
You say you don’t know what you want.
Might I be that?
Not you. Not now.
Living as times clown
How many times can I be let down
Where is the love that is safe and sound?
May my love live as the ocean
Rough, bold
Quiet, reflecting
Healing, devouring
Float and sink in me
What is too much for the ocean to hold?
Life is only worth it to be loved bold
If you were a child I would have the salt of my body breeze through your hair and tease you with foam as you run along the shore, building your sandcastles
Though you are consumed by your journey, I am consumed by you.
You are man and I am the ocean
Must you always pass over and through me?
Might I be your victory and resting place
Where your journey ends
What you want and need
If all of life is a waking memory, when you taste salt, remember me.