
When did I cave in? 

When did I become this person?

Cared a lot about what daddy said

He was the god inside my head 

Sad lonely men 

Hunting after me 

His peace, so foolish 

He could hardly rest 

Give, sweet man

Come back to me 

Make me mother of love

Cat runs to chase the rat

As I peer in she retreats attack 

Praying third time to be the charm 

As to not to commit bodily harm 

Get on with your journey 

Can't you see your bags are packed?

Money can't make the sunshine

She does it on her own

Living my life as God and the scribe 



My eyes 

My eyes 

Let the beauty feed you 

As much as you let your suffering 

How do you take something or someone?

Is it by saying

“I love you”

Our words holding us in space 

Admire the work his hands have laden 

Swayed by illusion

Perfection as a maiden

So little, so grown 

Stranded and drowning

Are you now the women you pretended to be?

Holding a pen

Times most familiar friend

We etch our beings into existence

Woman , woman

Made to make and be made

Singular in your journey 

Yet you beg to give 

Love is freedom 

Freedom is love away from singularity 

Into unity 

If I am God

Blessed are my wrongs 

For all leads to divinity




“Old Flame”


“Crab legs”