4:00pm on a bench
Might my eyes fall away next to my tears
A pool to swim in
Feel as though i’m not enough of the person I wish to be
Leaves fall off and a tree is still a tree
The lively hood of my depression prevails despite the rays of sun and what is unknown
What does my happiness count towards?
Touch the sun pinned to the tree
Happy to be told what not to do, to have a master
Haven’t you heard 4:00pm is the new 5 o’clock
Have a beer and a shot
Watercolor sky
Holding your dog as you walk
Close your eyes, the sunset will still be there
Paint a moment for later
Be part of the folding into itself
Does a church provide the same comfort in the shade opposed to a sunny Sunday morning?
My buttons, a privilege to be pressed
Your tune is fucking with my vibe